Install Caffe On Windows

Active2 months ago

I installed Caffe in my laptop. Installation and testing, although took time, was easy, thanks to a lot of help available on internet. The following is just a summary of the steps I followed in my machine. Go to C:ProgramDataNVIDIA CorporationCUDA Samplesv7.5 and open the solution file (i.e. Samples_vs2013.sln) in Visual Studio.

I'm trying to use Caffe in Anaconda3 on windows, but when I try to import caffe in iPython, it shows this error:

ImportError: No module named caffe

I tried to add a new system variable named PYTHONPATH which looks like this:

It still shows the same error. I would appreciate if anyone mentioned what am I missing here?

Hadi GhahremanNezhadHadi GhahremanNezhad
7661 gold badge8 silver badges21 bronze badges

1 Answer

REM Create a new conda environment to install CaffeREM You can use python 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7

REM activate the environmentREM Depending on your conda version you may have to use activate caffe

REM add the anaconda channel to resolve all dependencies

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REM Install caffe with cuda support or install caffe-cpu if you do not want CUDA support

Answer taken from here:

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Active11 months ago

have anyone successfully using Caffe library in Visual Studio development? If yes, can you make a short overview (step by step).

What I've already done: - download Caffe from Github - building Boost - building Cuda Toolkit 7.5 - building gflags - building glog

Still have to do:- hdf5- protobuf- GLog ..

Python Install Caffe

Have anyone any instructions?

Just CoderJust Coder

3 Answers

It is not recommended to build and use Caffe on Windows,but if you're insisting on that you can find this perfect step-by-step guide so helpful.


UPDATE:Since microsoft adopted the porting of CAFFE to windows , there is now an even easier way to build CAFFE for windows with visual studio. The entire process is depicted in this 5 min video!

Install Caffe2 Windows

i saw the answer by Saeed, and i think i have something easier to propose.

Follow the built found here for a very easy build of Caffe on windows. However, you always have to check it for changes, since their code updates regularly, but their documentation stays behind. In my case (and many other co-workers) their code builts as-is, right out of the box!

Aperture LaboratoriesAperture Laboratories
2011 gold badge2 silver badges11 bronze badges

You can also use Collective Knowledge workflow framework to automatically install Caffe on Windows, Linux or MacOS from command line in just a few steps. See

Basically, you just need to do the following:

CK will detect or rebuild all necessary dependencies on Windows (HDF5, Boost, OpenCV, etc). You can then use Caffe from virtual environment as follows:

Hope it's of any help!

Pycaffe Windows


Install Caffe On Windows 10

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