Intj Serial Killers

Serial killers don't interact with anyone for long stretches; that would make them noticeable. They might be charming to the clerk at the corner store, especially if it is a tactic to elicit information about, say, what times the buses run or 'innocent' info about the new neighbor that in fact might all be going into the mental database for use. Yes, I think that INTPs could become really vicious serial killers, although it might not be that common. Calling you a serial killer is extremely hurtful as a running joke and they obviously don't understand the depths of your feelings because you show yourself differently from them. Try to write it off as ignorance instead of personal. The classical description of a psychopath is the INTJ: emotionally detached and coldly analytical. Of course, we are discussing 'unhealthy' INTJs, and in now way indicting every INTJ. The same force that drives some INTJs to become serial killers and spree shooters drives other INTJs to become world leaders and police officers.

Posted by2 years ago

I'm an INTJ who has recovered from years of depression and social anxiety. Going to point-form this to express multiple thoughts.

Serial Killers Documentary

Intj Serial KillersFamous serial killers
  • I've been told by many, including family members, that I have a dark 'vibe'. It has since become a running joke to everyone that I have no friends because my 'vibe' tells everyone to fuck off, and that I have high potential to kill someone.

  • I recently realized -- like cold water to the face -- how much people trust others based on their body language and micro expressions. How much of body language is accurate though?

  • 'Vibes' are essentially energy, and I've been told they reflect a person's thoughts and emotions. This is where my depression and anxiety come in. Even though I've recovered, I have a theory that it's changed my body chemistry in a way that I emanate 'bad energy'. Could explain why people who've experienced great grief have 'dark energy' around them. But serial killer, really?

  • I've tried to change my 'vibe' by attempting to make people feel more comfortable with open body language. I try to be as genuine as I can. But it doesn't seem to be working. People still think I'm a serial killer. I act like it doesn't bother me, but when everyone around you keeps telling you how weird you are and laughing, it really makes me want to fucking off myself.

  • I also tell people my words and actions mean more than them trying to constantly guess my body language. I might feel uncomfortable extending physical touch, or saying affectionate things, but I go out of my way to remember things that are important to others and support them in their goals. I spend half of my time doing volunteer work and I send my friends encouraging cards during their difficult times. This sounds like I'm such a good person, but I only care about the things/people I care about and do my best for them. Why do people only like those who lie to them to make them feel good?

  • Just because I seem unemotional doesn't mean I don't have feelings. Project x love potion disaster download free. It's funny how people can decide who you are just from your vibe. I'm in a really-squishy-inside-mode now and need some INTJs to share some insight.

    Serial What was it like to ride a bike before the age of the automobile?

Sorry for the long rant. I'm really upset but feel free to call me out on anything. I may need some kindness right now but not coddling. Thank you for listening.

Intj Serial Killers

Edit: Sincerely, sincerely, thank you for all the responses. I thought that I was being whiny, but many of you have related to me, shared with me your thought processes, and I think someone even used Batman to try to explain how INTJ works but 'good guys' like Superman will feel they're capable of bad things. It's comforting to read and I'm extracting advices/perspectives to apply to my daily life. I'm still reading if you have anything to share or get off your chest. Laughing at some of the dark jokes too.

Have a really great weekend!

Enfp Serial Killers