Netapp License Key Generator

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  2. License Key Generator Download
  3. License Key
  4. Netapp License Key Generator

If you are reactivating a premium feature, you can either pull the chassis out to view the serial number, or access the Storage Array Profile to view the serial number information displayed on the Controllers tab. You can find license keys for your initial or add-on software orders at the NetApp Support Site under My Support > Software Licenses. For instance, you can search with the serial number of a system to find all license keys associated with the system. NetApp Software Downloads and License Keys - NetApp Support NetApp Software Products and License Keys are available for immediate download. Please refer to the 'Access Key' and 'Sales Order #' as part of the documentation included in the actual shipment. Before I proceed with the SRM configuration, I show in part 4 & 5 of the tutorial how to setup & configure the NetApp Ontap Simulator including the replication with SnapMirror. Even if you are not using a NetApp system you should take at least a look on the second half of this part, where.


Adding New Licenses (CLI Procedure)

Before adding new licenses, complete the followingtasks:

  • Purchase the required licenses.

  • Establish basic network connectivity with the router orswitch. For instructions on establishing basic connectivity, see the Getting Started Guide or Quick Start Guide for your device.

There are two ways to add licenses using the Junos OS CLI:

  • The request system license add operationalcommand installs a license through URL or using the license file.


On QFabric systems, install your licenses in the defaultpartition of the QFabric system and not on the individual components(Node devices and Interconnect devices).

To add licenses, complete one of the following procedures:

Installing a License Using a Configuration Statement

Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1, youcan configure and delete license keys in a Junos OS CLI configurationfile. The [edit] hierarchy level installs a license by using a configurationstatement.


The request system license add installs a license immediately.But because the /config/license/ directory.

Select a procedure to install a license using configuration:

Installing Licenses Using the CLI Directly

To install an individual license key using the JunosOS CLI:

  1. Issue the name statement.

    The name parameter includesthe license ID and the license key. For example:

    To install multiple license keys in the Junos OS CLI, issuethe name statement for each license key to install. For example:

  2. Issue the show system license command from operational mode.

Installing Licenses Using a Configuration File

Before you begin, prepare the configuration file. Inthis example, use the Unix shell

  • Go to the shell.
  • Open the new license.conf file.
  • Type the configuration information for the license keyor keys:
    • For a single license, for example, type the followingcontent:

    • For multiple license keys, for example, type somethinglike this:

  • Press Ctrl+d to save the file.
    1. Go to the CLI configuration mode.
    2. Load and merge the license configuration file.

      For example:

    3. Issue the commit command.
    4. To verify that the license key was installed, issue the
    5. From the CLI operational mode, enter one of the followingCLI commands:
      • To add a license key from a file or URL, enter the followingcommand, specifying the filename or the URL where the key is located:

      • To add a license key from the terminal, enter the followingcommand:

    6. When prompted, enter the license key, separating multiplelicense keys with a blank line.

      If the license key you enter is invalid, an error appears inthe CLI output when you press Ctrl+d to exit license entry mode.

    7. Go on to Verifying Junos OS License Installation (CLI).

    Adding a License to a Device with Dual Routing Engines

    On routers that have graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES)enabled, after successfully adding the new license on the master RoutingEngine, the license keys are automatically synchronized on the backupRouting Engine as well. However, in case GRES is not enabled, thenew license is added on each Routing Engine separately. This ensuresthat the license key is enabled on the backup Routing Engine duringchangeover of mastership between the Routing Engines.

    To add a new license key to a router with dual RoutingEngines without GRES:

    1. After adding the new license key on the master RoutingEngine, use the A kernel re-sync operation is in progress. License update may takeseveral minutes to complete.

      Deleting License Keys (CLI)

      Before deleting a license, ensure that thefeatures enabled by the license will not be needed.

      You can use the delete or request system licensedelete command:

      1. Display the licenses available to be deleted.
        user@host>showsystem license command.

      Using a Configuration Command to Delete Licenses

      Starting in Junos OS Release16.1, to remove licenses from the configuration, you can use eitherthe deactivate configuration command. The deactivate command adds the commit command. To remove the activate command. Statements or identifiers that have been activated takeeffect when you next issue the delete command,but you could use the delete command:


      You can use the delete command in this procedure.

      1. Display the licenses available to be deleted.

        Issue the commit command.

      2. Verify the license was deleted by entering the show system license command.

        Sample Output


        The output showsa list of the license usage and a list of the licenses installed onthe device. Verify the following information:

        • Each license is present. Licenses are listed in ascendingalphanumeric order by license ID.

        • The state of each license is Note

          A state of show system license usage command.

          Sample Output


          The output shows any licenses installed on the deviceand how they are used. Verify the following information:

          • Any configured licenses appear in the output. The outputlists features in ascending alphabetical order by license name. Thenumber of licenses appears in the third column. Verify that you haveinstalled the appropriate number of licenses.

          • The number of licenses used matches the number of configuredfeatures. If a licensed feature is configured, the feature is consideredused. The sample output shows that the subscriber address poolingfeature is configured.

          • A license is installed on the device for each configuredfeature. For every feature configured that does not have a license,one license is needed.

            For example, the sample output shows that the subscriber addressfeature is configured but that the license for the feature has notyet been installed. The license must be installed within the remaininggrace period to be in compliance.

          Saving License Keys (CLI)

          To save the licenses installed on a device:

          1. From operational mode, do one of the following tasks
            • To save the installed license keys to a file or URL, enterthe following command:

              For example, the following command saves the installed licensekeys to a file named license.config:

            • To output installed license keys to the terminal, enterthe following command:

          show system license

          List of Syntax



          Release Information

          Command introduced before Junos OS Release7.4.

          Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

          Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.

          Command introduced in Junos OS Release 13.3 for the MX Series5G Universal Routing Platform.

          Customer ID added to output of data center users in Junos OSRelease 15.1.

          Corrected output for duration of license added in Junos OS Release17.4R1.


          Display licenses and information about how theyare used.


          key-content show system license command.Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

          Table 1: show system license Output Fields

          Field Name

          Field Description

          Name assigned to the configuredfeature. You use this information to verify that all the featuresfor which you installed licenses are present.

          Number of licenses used by a routeror switch. You use this information to verify that the number of licensesused matches the number configured. If a licensed feature is configured,the feature is considered used.

          Note: In Junos OS Release 10.1 and later, the scale-subscriber), L2TP (scale-mobile-ip), and so on.

          Information about the installedlicense key:

          • State—State of thelicense key:invalid. An License version—Versionof a license. The version indicates how the license is validated,the type of signature, and the signer of the license key.

          • Valid for device—Devicethat can use a license key.

          • Features—Featureassociated with a license, such as data link switching (DLSw).

          Number of licenses required for features being used butnot yet properly licensed.

          Amount of time left within the grace period before alicense is required for a feature being used.

          Sample Output

          show system license (Virtual devices such as vMX and vSRX)

          user@host> show system license

          show system license

          user@host> show system license installed

          show system license keys

          user@host> show system license usage

          show system license (MX104 Routers)

          In the following output, ports 0 and 1 are activated by installingthe license to activate the first two built-in ports.

          user@host> show system license installed

          show system license keys (MX104 Routers)

          In the following output, ports 0 and 1 are activated by installingthe license to activate the first two built-in ports.

          user@host > show system license usage

          show system license (MX104 Routers)

          In the following output, ports 2 and 3 are activated by installingthe license to activate the next two built-in ports after installingthe license to activate the first two built-in ports.

          user@host >

          In the following output, ports 2 and 3 are activated by installingthe license to activate the next two built-in ports after installingthe license to activate the first two built-in ports.

          user@host > show system license keys

          show system license usage (MX104 Routers)

          In the following output, ports 2 and 3 are activated by installingthe license to activate the next two built-in ports after installingthe license to activate the first two built-in ports.

          user@host > show system license

          show system license installed (MX104 Routers)

          In the following output, ports 0,1,2, and 3 are activated byinstalling a single license key to activate all four built-in ports.

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          user@host > show system license keys

          show system license usage (MX104 Routers)

          In the following output, ports 0,1,2, and 3 are activated byinstalling a single license key to activate all four built-in ports.

          user@host > show system license

          show system license (QFX5110 Switch with Disaggregated FeatureLicense)

          user@switch> Netapp License Cost


          Release Information

          Command introduced in Junos OS Release9.5. Logical system status option added in Junos OS Release 11.2.


          Display licenses and information about how licensesare used.


          installed(Optional)Display installed licenses only.
          keys(Optional) Displaya list of license keys. Use this information to verify that each expectedlicense key is present.
          status(Optional) Displaylicense status for a specified logical system or for all logical systems.
          usage(Optional) Displaythe state of licensed features.

          Required Privilege Level


          List of Sample Output

          show system license
          show system license installed
          show system license keys
          show system license usage
          show system license status logical-system all

          Output Fields

          Table 2 lists the output fields for the

          Field Name

          Field Description

          Name assigned to the configuredfeature. You use this information to verify that all the featuresfor which you installed licenses are present.

          Number of licenses used by thedevice. You use this information to verify that the number of licensesused matches the number configured. If a licensed feature is configured,the feature is considered used.

          Information about the installedlicense key:

          • License version—Version of a license.The version indicates how the license is validated, the type of signature,and the signer of the license key.

          • Features—Feature associated with a license.

          Number of licenses required for features being used butnot yet properly licensed.

          Time remaining in the grace period before a license isrequired for a feature being used.

          Displays whether a license is enabled for a logical system.

          Sample Output

          show system license

          user@host> show system license installed

          show system license keys

          user@host> show system license usage

          show system license status logical-system all

          user@host> Statement introduced in Junos OS Release8.5 for SRX Series and vSRX.

          Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D10 for EXSeries and QFX Series.

          Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1 for M Series,MX Series, and T Series.


          License Key Generator Download

          Set trace options for licenses.


          numberMaximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the maximum number of trace files is reached.Then the oldest trace file is overwritten.

          If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specifya maximum file size with the maximum file-size option.

          Default: 10 files

          match sizeMaximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB),megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB). If you specify a maximum file size,you also must specify a maximum number of trace files with the number option.

          Default: 128 KB

          world-readable no-world-readableBy default, log files can be accessedonly by the user who configures the tracing operation. The no-world-readable option.
          flag flag statements. You can include the following flags.
          • config—Trace license configuration processing.

          • Command introduced before Junos OS Release7.4.

            Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

            Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5 for SRX Series devices.

            Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.

            Added additional information section on XML RPC in Junos OSRelease 17.4.


            Adding a license key to the Junos OS devices toactivate the feature.


            Starting in Junos OS Release 18.3R1, the request system licenseadd and filenameLicense key from a file or URL. Specify the filename or theURL where the key is located.

          Additional Information

          The request system license add terminal

          request system license save

          List of Syntax



          Release Information

          Command introduced before Junos OS Release7.4.

          Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

          Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.

          Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.5 for SRX Series devices.

          Added additional information section on XML RPC in Junos OSRelease 17.4.


          Save installed license keys to a file or URL.


          Starting in Junos OS Release 18.3R1, the request system licenseadd and filenameLicense key from a file or URL. Specify the filename or theURL where the key is located.

          Additional Information

          The following RPC is supported for saving installed licensekeys to a file or URL:

          Where destination is the URL of the destination license key file.

          Required Privilege Level


          List of Sample Output

          request system license save

          License Key

          Output Fields

          When you enter this command, you are providedfeedback on the status of your request.

          Sample Output

          request system license save

          user@host> Command introduced in Junos OS Release9.5.


          Starts autoupdating license keys from the license portal.

          • The

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          • The trial—Immediatelyupdates trial license keys from the license portal.

            Required Privilege Level


            List of Sample Output

            request system license update
            request system license update trial

            Output Fields

            Whenyou enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status ofyour request.

            Sample Output

            request system license update

            user@host> requestsystem license update trial

            request system license delete

            List of Syntax

            SyntaxNetapp License Key Generator


            Release Information

            Command introduced before Junos OS Release7.4.

            Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.

            Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.1 for the QFX Series.

            Option Netapp License Key Generator


            Delete a license key. You can choose to deleteone license at a time, all licenses at once, or a list of licenseidentifiers enclosed in brackets.


            licenseid001licenseid002 licenseid003..]Delete multiple license identifiers as a list enclosed in brackets.

            Required Privilege Level




            Hierarchy Level

            Release Information

            Statement introduced in Junos OS Release8.5 for SRX Series and vSRX.

            Options Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D10 for EXSeries and QFX Series, with option Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1 for M Series,MX Series, PTX Series, and T Series, with option numberLicense renewal lead time beforeexpiration, in days.

            interval keyConfigure one or more license keys. For example,
            renewLicenserenewal lead time and checking interval.

            The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

            Required Privilege Level

            system—To view this statement in the configuration.

            system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.



            Hierarchy Level

            Release Information

            Statement introduced in Junos OS Release11.1 for FX Series switches.


            Configure the license type and the scope of SDKapplication deployment.


            deployment—Scope of SDK applicationdeployment. You can configure a set of deployments. Obtain correctvalue from the application’s provider.

            Required Privilege Level

            admin—To view this statement in the configuration.

            admin-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

            Starting in Junos OS Release16.1, to remove licenses from the configuration, you can use eitherthe deactivate configuration command.