Openvpn Access Server License

In this guide, we'll install and configure the OpenVPN Access Server on a CentOS 6.5 VPS instance. Download and Install Packages. We can obtain the OpenVPN Access Server package for CentOS from the project's website. Right click on the package that matches your version of CentOS and your machine's architecture. OpenVPN Access Server license keys can be purchased for more than one year at the discount listed in the following table: License Term Price Per Connected Device. How to openvpn access server without license for Lips. Beauty Accessories. Cleansing Tools. Makeup Tools. Value Boxes; Sale. Sets; Clearance; how to openvpn access server without license for politics. Kavanaugh College Visit to Bar Erupted in Fight, Classmate Says.

Active4 years, 6 months ago

I'm hoping to implement a VPN whereby about 200 concurrent users can log in to briefly access my network. I had a look at OpenVPN and this seemed excellent, but was hoping that there would be a less costly option on a per-concurrent-user basis.

I've no need for particularly strong security, and my only other requirement is that I would need to be able to add users in bulk via csv or similar.


I will be running a FlexLM server on the machine, and the users will need to be able to download a licence key from that licence server. I was under the impression that remote users need to be on the same network as the licence server, hence the VPN. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.

The pricing on OpenVPN comes from where it says:

License Key:

Each license key activates a specific number of OpenVPN Clients connecting to the Access Server. The free license key is designed to get you up and running and will activate (2) Clients. You can purchase additional clients for $5.00 / per client.

Does anyone have any suggestions? How to crack ableton live 9 windows torrent.

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Martin KSMartin KS

closed as not constructive by Mark HendersonJan 14 '12 at 3:57

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migrated from stackoverflow.comMay 10 '10 at 15:43

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6 Answers

The free version of OpenVPN (not Access Server) can support an unlimited number of concurrent users (if your hardware can, it goes without saying).
You can download it at

Fahad SadahFahad Sadah

You could setup an OpenVPN 'appliance' using a decent workstation (P4+, 1 to 2 GB RAM) with two NICs running Linux + OpenVPN asynchronously-routed to offload the VPN encryption/decryption overhead to a separate machine.

This is fairly simple to setup using the OpenVPN documentation: you're using the routed method with a VPN-only subnet that's different than your LAN subnet (this allows you to create src/dest rules to restrict access if you like; you'll need to add a static route on your edge router so that packets destined for your VPN clients by the LAN know where to go):

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You should be able to run the flexlm server on your network dmz and point the clients to the ip and port of the server. This worked in the past for remote copies of Maya for us.

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Well, if you need only tunnelling (with no security), use l2tp or pptp.

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You're wrong. Remote users DO NOT need to be on the same network as the licence server.

FlexLM will work over the open internet. You may want to firewall so there's only access from your desired clients, but they don't need to be on the same subnet or anything similar.


How many current users can accept FreBSD, I am using it for about 30 current users, whit no any problems.

Maybe pfSenes distro can offer You faster way to implement OpenVPN or PPTP VPN


Update Openvpn Access Server

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