Php Serial Port

RS-232 (serial port) and PHP under Windows Unlike Flash or JavaScript, PHP is not sandboxed and might therefore look like an acceptable choice when trying to communicate over RS-232. After briefly looking into it, I wouldn’t recommend it for production systems. Read serial port with PHP is so simple in Linux machine for windows will write another article soon. Just download the read serial port with php script just below. And extract it to your /var/www/html/ folder. Configure PHP file with correct local serial port settings The sample script has some settings to be configured at the top, most importantly the port name. Windows the port name should be 'comX:' (X being the port number assigned name must be lower case and a colon at the end) this can be found by opening Device Manager. Every serial connection (virtual of physical) is owned by the dialout group, so if we add www-data to the dialout group our PHP scripts should be able to open/read/write the serial device, which is better than running everything as root, or setting permissions to 'all can read from and write to everything'. Read 7 answers by scientists with 5 recommendations from their colleagues to the question asked by Usman Abbas on Jan 24, 2017.

Active5 years, 9 months ago

I wonder if there is a way to accomplish reading my serial port via PHP - that works :-)

In practising my Arduino skills, I developed a simple LED ON/OFF sketch. It works by entering on or off in the serial monitor.

Next step, I put together a webpage to act as an GUI interface to click a link and perform the on and off function above. This webbased GUI works via PHP.I am using the PHP SERIAL class to interact with the serial port my Arduino is using.

The issue is I need to find a way of getting feedback from the serial port. Using the Arduino IDE serial monitor, I can see my printed messages in response to each of my serial input and I need to retrieve the same feedback in my PHP code.

The PHP Serial class offers a readPort() function but I does not return my data.




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3 Answers

I assume you work on linux.

First setup your serial port:

Then you can use good old fashion fread/fwrite

There is only one thing you have to remember. Arduino will restart on every connection. If you don't know that It will confuse you. For instance if you connect (fopen) and instantly send data Arduino will miss it because it's booting (which takes a sec or two). Experiment with sleep to give it some time. If you want to disable restarting use 10uF capacitor from GRD to RST.

Good luck

ps. you can troubleshoot with 'screen'

Post about setting PHP with Arduino and one more here

Lukasz KujawaLukasz Kujawa

/dev/ttyUSB0 running with user root, if your using apache try chown /dev/ttyUSB0 to apache or user is logged in.

and then try again, or try logout from ubuntu and login as root user.


You are probably trying to read when is no data on the serial port. You need to implement JavaScript code to call PHP code that can read at regular intervals.

When you have got data, you should process it.

readPort() has worked fine for me. If the baud rate, parity, etc. is adjusted properly, then you should not have any problem reading the serial port.

Here is a sample of using the library for Arduino. It worked for me some time ago:

Peter Mortensen
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ActiveXperts » Serial Port Component » How to Use Serial Port Component » HTML

ActiveXperts Serial Port Component is a software development kit (SDK) that enables the user to communicate to a device over a serial interface.

Linux Cat Serial Port

Such a device can be: a weight indicator, a modem, a scanner, or any other device that is equiped with a serial port. It can even be another PC, connected via a NULL modem cable.

ActiveXperts Serial Port Component features the following:

  • Direct COM port support (like 'COM1')
  • TAPI (Windows Telephony Device) support (like 'Standard 56000 bps Modem');
  • Support for RS-232/RS422/RS485, up to 256 simultaneous ports;
  • Support for all types of Hayes compatible modems;
  • Support for serial cable as well as USB cable or Bluetooth connections;
  • Support for Virtual COM ports (i.e. COM ports redirected through the network);
  • Hardware flow control (RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR) and software flowcontrol (XON/XOFF) support;
  • Configurable baudrate/parity/stopbits, full buffered data transfer, text/binary data transfer.

Step 1: Installation of Serial Port Component

When using HTML, there are two ways to install the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component on a client PC:

  • Automatically using HTML code;
  • Using the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component InstallShield installation.

Automatic installation using HTML code

Java Serial Port Library

You can install the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component automatically using the following HTML code on top of the HTML page:

The Serial Port Component will be installated automatically. The user will be asked to confirm the installation, because the DLL is coming from an untrusted site (

There are two ways to avoid prompting:

  • Add the ActiveX/COM location to the user's trusted sites. You can manage trusted manually (by using the Internet Explorer), through a logon script (by appyling the registry change from the logon script) or by using Active Directory Group Policies;
  • OR use a trusted location for the DLL. For instance your Intranet site, because most probably this site has already been added to the list of trusted sites for all users.

Manual installation using the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component installation procedure

On each client PC, download the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component from the ActiveXperts Download Site and start the installation. The installation guides you through the installation process.

We recommend checking your downloads with an antivirus. Btproximity download.

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Step 2: Create the ActiveXperts Serial Port Component object in HTML

You must use Javascript to declare and create the objects.

Use the following Javascript code to declare and create the object:

Step 3: Send an AT command to a connected Hayes compatible modem

Php Serial Port Raspberry Pi

You can now send and/or receive data to and/or from a serial device.

The following HTML code shows how to query a modem:

Php Serial Port

There are many working samples included with the product. You can also find them on the ActiveXperts FTP site: