Skyrim Wyrmstooth 1.16 Download

  1. Wyrmstooth 1.16
  2. Wyrmstooth Skyrim Sse

A New Adventure Awaits You The East Empire Company commissions the Dragonborn to slay a dragon that is interrupting trade routes throughout Skyrim. But is the dragon stirring up trouble with a particular reason and is there something more sinister behind it? An immersive new quest that takes you to the large island of Wyrmstooth. Battle across new landscapes and through new dungeons in this unofficial expansion for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The quest begins for players at level 10 and above after you have been summoned by the Greybeards. Theodyn Bienne, a courier for the East Empire Company, will track you down wherever you are in Skyrim (or elsewhere) starting from the Bannered Mare in Whiterun and will deliver to you an important message. The task seems simple enough; slay a dragon that's stirring up trouble. But things are never that simple.. Features A challenging new quest with an exciting dragon battle. Fight your way through one of the biggest dungeons in Tamriel with a group of followers. Mind-control a Draugr to solve a unique dungeon puzzle! 30+ new npc's. 17 new quests; 2 main quests and 15 side quests. A large new handcrafted landmass with its own unique map and map markers! Over 700 lines of new recorded voice acting. Make a new player home out of an abandoned imperial fort. Placeable bear traps sold by Ja'Shavi-Dar. Playable bard instruments found across the island. Unlocks some cut content such as the shout Fiik Lo Sah (Phantom Form). Learn new spells such as Conjure Draugr and many more. New harvestable ingredients. Custom music tracks. Credits Daniel Coffey (Lurius Liore) David Bodtcher (Alberthor, Balmir, Hroldar, Sigur, Geitrich) Tim Morgan (Theodyn Bienne) Andrew Miller (Vulthurkrah) Adrianna Peterson (Daenlit, Elmera, Spriggan Matriarch) Ben Britton (Athir, Vulom, Holmar) Dan Marfleet (Shargam, Bolmar, Hulgard, Castus Arius, Ynglod Ironbender, Skonjar) Randy Westbrook (Dunyick, Vontus Laenius, Nalion) Cassandra Wladyslava (Ajira, Shomara, Svenja, Lalaine Laenius, Gildan, Thelma, Helga the Haggard) Matthew Dixon (Ja鈥橲havi-Dar, Speaks-Many-Tongues, Plants-Bitter-Seeds, Sits-With-Beetles, Mudcrab Merchant) Avery Smithhart (Yngfa, Leone Laenius, Rose) Blary (Ingredients Wall Art resource) Artisanix (Paintings and Frames resource) Le贸n van der Stadt (Composer) Jon Polenz (Level Design) FAQ Q. What patch level is required? A. You should be running 1.8 or higher. Q. Do I need any DLC or mods to play Wyrmstooth? A. No, the only thing required to play Wyrmstooth is Skyrim and the 1.8 patch or higher. Q. What ENB did you use to take the screenshots? A. For the screenshots I used K ENB. Q. Is the mod stable? A. Installing Wyrmstooth should NOT affect the stability of your game. Wyrmstooth was tested extensively on multiple machines running a base Skyrim install with the latest patch without encountering a single crash. If you are experiencing intermittent crashes after installing Wyrmstooth you most likely have a load order issue you need to sort out. Also try lowering your graphics settings, reconsider how many retexture mods you require, and/or ensure your ENB is properly configured as you may be overburdening your system. Don't forget to refer to the Wyrmstooth Readme file for additional suggestions and steps to follow. Q. Is development of Wyrmstooth complete? A. Yes. Q. How much time did you spend working on Wyrmstooth? A. About 2000 hours. Q. What can I do with the Wyrmstone and Brimestone ore? A. I'm hoping to include new armors and weapons in a future release. If you're a 3d artist and would like to contribute to this project please contact me at Q. Can I mod Wyrmstooth? A. You may make mods that use Wyrmstooth.esp as a master but you may NOT modify the Wyrmstooth.esp or Wyrmstooth.bsa files themselves or take assets out of Wyrmstooth and put them in your own project. Q. What kind of performance impact does Wyrmstooth have on Skyrim? A. The overall impact on performance should be negligible to non-existent. Wyrmstooth is a quest/new lands mod, it doesn't make any gameplay changes. Most of the adventure takes place in a separate Wyrmstooth worldspace. At most you'll have 7 new NPCs in Skyrim before travelling to Wyrmstooth. If you do experience performance loss or instability see 'Q. Is the mod stable?' and make sure Wyrmstooth.esp is the last master file loaded in your load list. Q. Is Wyrmstooth available on Xbox or PS3? A. Unfortunately not, it's for PC only. Mods cannot be ported to consoles. Troubleshooting See the WyrmstoothReadme.txt file for troubleshooting tips and compatibility information.

Credits: Jonx0r

File nameDownloadsAdded
Wyrmstooth.zip18 8 May 2015

You’ll rarely find a fan-made undertaking as impressive as the Wyrmstooth mod for Skyrim.A long-time favorite for Skyrim modders, Wyrmstooth asks that you undertake the quest of killing a dragon. Simple as it may sound, solving this issue may take a little longer than the typical dragon battle. Downloads - Skyrim: Special Edition Non Adult Mods Technical Support - Skyrim: Special Edition. Wyrmstooth being developed again? Sign in to follow this. Wyrmstooth being developed again? I'm using a converted version of 1.16 but would love to see it updated.

Wyrmstooth 1.16


Here's the trailer. Go to the Michi Lo comment thread and click on both download links to get Wyrmstooth Legacy and the 1.1 update, the 'caretaker' and maker of the video, 1GenoMega, of the mod updated it so it will not only work with SSE, but work well with SSE. At least that is what I think. I have just gotten to Wyrmstooth. It works though, which is the biggest thing.

EDIT: Be careful, as /u/JadeArkadian has pointed out, this may not be converted correctly. But, on the other hand, this has worked flawlessly for me, beyond the usual Skyrim being a doofus and the difficulty being a bit harder than where I was in Vanilla.

EDIT2 : I just finished the main questline for Wyrmstooth, got some pretty sweet loot, killed the Dragon. It was pretty fun, no issues whatsoever. Haven't done any side quests yet. I highly recommend.

Edit 3: I have been informed that there will be an update to Wyrmstooth Legacy, so I'll update this again with the new version, when it does get updated.

Well if you wanna know some stuff coming soon here ya go. -Majority of textures have been upscaled -Reverted Wyrmstooth Dragon textures, originally the UHD Wyrmstooth dragon wasn't suppose to be included. -All ESPS have been resaved in the Creation kit. -All Meshes have been updated to the SSE format, this means that it will no longer work with Legacy Skyrim or Oldrim. This had to be done as some meshes would appear as red triangles. -General fixes, Wyrmstooth plants should be plantable in Hearth fires gardens now. - Hopefully a BSA will be coming soon

-From the 'caretaker' Interarms serial number.

EDIT 1.31:

this is the 1.31 update, and so far it runs. I'll do a couple of the side quest and stuff, but it seems to work pretty well. And stuff. As in, it doesn't CTD when I go to Wyrmstooth, like it did when I replaced Legacy and 1.1 with 1.31.

Make sure to download Legacy, 1.1, and 1.31, and just install them over top each other in that order. Choose no when NMM asks if you want to update it each time and yes to mod when you overwrite stuff.

Wyrmstooth Skyrim Sse

Only thing I've noticed wrong in my 10 or so minutes, was that the dock mesh was invisible. Maybe that was just a lil issue with SMIM or something. I'll resinstall both and do stuff.

Edit whatever.. 5?: I've played a bit more and nothing else really popped out at me. Also, for technical questions, please direct them to /u/WyrmstoothLegacy, because I am but a simple player. He or she is the one who is doing the mod things